
The Beacon v2 Reference Implementation is a software that must be installed locally in a Linux server/workstation.

The software consists of several components that are distributed in two different GitHub repositories, one for data ingestion tools and another for the API. The software also needs external dependencies to work. In this regard, we provide several alternatives for download and installation.


The data ingestion tools can function without the API, so you can download one without the other.

Before starting, it will be necessary to install:

About mongoimport

The beacon2-ri-tools container comes equipped with the mongoimport utility. If the beacon2-ri-tools container is not installed, it's necessary to install mongoimport separately to facilitate CLI-based data imports.

Method 1: All containers in one

Setting up all the containers, beacon2-ri-tools and beacon2-ri-api together using the beacon2-ri-api repository.

Clone beacon2-ri-api GitHub repository.

git clone

From now on, the commands should be executed from the deploy directory.

cd beacon2-ri-api/deploy

Light up all the containers.

docker network create my-app-network
docker-compose up -d --build
Deploying external tools in beacon2-ri-tools container

External Tools Architecture Alert

Please note that the external tools are compiled specifically for x86-64 architecture. Consequently, they are not compatible with newer ARM-based Macs.

This step will inject the external tools and DBs into the image and modify the configuration files. It will also run a test to check that the installation was successful. Note that running will take some time (and disk space!!!).

Go inside beacon2-ri-tools container.

docker exec -it deploy_beacon-ri-tools_1 bash
bash /usr/share/beacon-ri/beacon2-ri-tools/BEACON/bin/


The container's name should be similar to deply_beacon-ri-tools_1. It can be extracted from docker ps (docker exec–it<container_name>bash)

With mongo-express it is possible to see the contents of the data base at http://localhost:8081.

For more installation options, please follow the instructions provided in the README.

Method 2: Independent containers

Download the beacon2-ri-tools container and the beacon2-ri-api container independently.


The data ingestion tools can function without the API, so you can download one without the other.

Data ingestion tools (beacon2-ri-tools)

Containerized options to install the Data ingestion tools repository.

Original Version: EGA-archive

For the original version of the tools, visit the EGA-archive repository.

Option 1: Build the container from Docker Hub - Docker image can be obtained from Docker Hub. Please see the documentation there for detailed instructions.

Option 2: Build the container from the Dockerfile in the GitHub repository - Download the Dockerfile from the GitHub repository by typing:


Then, execute the following commands to build the container (~1.1G):

docker buildx build -t crg/beacon2_ri:latest . # build the container (~1.1G)
Latest and actively maintained version

The latest and actively maintained version of the tools can be found in the following repository.

Option 1: Build the container from Docker Hub - For building the container, visit Docker Hub or the repository documentation for more information.

Option 2: Build the container from the Dockerfile in the GitHub repository - Download the Dockerfile from the GitHub repository by typing:


Then, execute the following commands to build the container (~1.1G):

docker buildx build -t crg/beacon2_ri:latest . # build the container (~1.1G)


Docker containers are fully isolated. If you think you'll have to mount a volume to the container, please read the section Mounting Volumes before proceeding further.


docker run -tid --name beacon2-ri-tools crg/beacon2_ri:latest # run the image detached
docker exec -ti beacon2-ri-tools bash # connect to the container interactively

Deploy external tools needed

External Tools Architecture Alert

Please note that the external tools are compiled specifically for x86-64 architecture. Consequently, they are not compatible with newer ARM-based Macs.

This step will inject the external tools and DBs into the image and modify the configuration files. It will also run a test to check that the installation was succesful. Note that running will take some time (and disk space!!!).

bash beacon2-ri-tools/BEACON/bin/

To see more information regarding the Data ingestion tools repository, please follow the instructions provided in the README.

Beacon v2 REST API (beacon2-ri-api)

Clone beacon2-ri-api GitHub repository.

git clone

All the commands should be executed from the deploy directory.

cd deploy

Light up only the containers needed:

docker network create my-app-network
docker-compose up -d --build training-ui db mongo-express beacon permissions idp idp-db

With mongo-express we can see the contents of the database at http://localhost:8081.

For more installation options, please follow the instructions provided in the README.

Now you should have the two things downloaded, installed and set up: the beacon2-ri-tools and the beacon2-ri-api. Together (Method 1) or independently (Method 2)

You can start transforming your data to BFF and loading it to the database following the Data beaconization tutorial.

Non containerized (data ingestion tools)


This alternative requires a few more steps than the containerized one, but it gives the deployer more control over the tools.

We will download the data ingestion tools from this repository. Please follow the instructions provided in the README.

External Tools Architecture Alert

Please note that the external tools are compiled specifically for x86-64 architecture. Consequently, they are not compatible with newer ARM-based Macs.

The data ingestion tools need external software to function:

  • BCFtools (version 1.15.1)
  • SnpEff + databases (version 5.0)
  • MongoDB


Even if you have the external tools already in your system, for the sake of consistency of versions, we recommend downloading them from our servers.

We will download BCFtools, SnpEff and MongoDB utilities from a public ftp server ( located at CRG. We will use wget to get the five parts (~65G total). Each part should take around 20 min to download:


Once you have downloaded the 5 parts and the checksum file (*.md5) please check that they are complete:

md5sum beacon2_data.part? > my_beacon2_data.md5
diff my_beacon2_data.md5 beacon2_data.md5

Now join the 5 parts by typing (note that momentarily we'll be using ~128G):

cat beacon2_data.part? > beacon2_data.tar.gz 
rm beacon2_data.part?

OK, everything ready to untar the file:

tar -xvf beacon2_data.tar.gz
cd snpeff/v5.0 ; ln -s GRCh38.99 hg38 # In case the symbolic link does not exist already

NB: Feel free now to erase beacon2_data.tar.gz if needed.

Great! now we recommend moving the directories to your favourite location and keep the path. We will be using the paths to set up some variables for SnpEff and for beacon configuration files.

About java

SnpEff runs with java which you may need to install separately. See how here.

For SnpEff:

Use the path where you have left the databases and use it to change data.dir variable in snpEff.config file (located in SnpEff installation folder). For instance, in my case:

#data.dir = ./data/

data.dir = /media/mrueda/4TB/Databases/snpeff/v5.0/

And finally....

For Beacon:

Open the file config.yaml (inside beacon_X.X.X dir installation) and change the paths to the files/exes according to your new locations. Note that SnpSift is part of SnpEff main distribution.

You can start transforming your data to BFF and loading it to the database following the Data beaconization tutorial.

That's it!

MongoDB installation

We're going to install it by using docker-compose. You need to have docker and docker-compose installed. docker-compose enables defining and running multi-container Docker applications.

About Docker

It's out of the scope of this documentation to explain how to install docker engine and docker-compose. Please take a look to Docker documentation if you need help with the installation.

First you need to create a file named docker-compose.yml with these contents:

version: '3.1'

    image: mongo
    hostname: mongo
      - "27017:27017"
      -  my-app-network

    image: mongo-express
    restart: always
      - "8081:8081"
      ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_URL: mongodb://root:example@mongo:27017/
      -  my-app-network

And then run:

docker network create my-app-network
docker-compose up -d

Once complete you should have two Docker processes: mongo and mongo-express. You can check this by typing:

docker ps -a

About MongoDB Community version

We're deliberately installing mongodb package provided by Ubuntu, which is not maintained by MongoDB Inc. The official distribution of MongoDB Community is called mongodb-org and can be obtained here.

Mongo Express is an open source lightweight web-based administrative interface deployed to manage MongoDB databases interactively. You can access mongo-express at http://localhost:8081.


We will be installing MongoDB with a single node/server configuration. Note that MongoDB allows for other topologies such as as replica sets that we won't be covering in this documentation.



Danecek P, Bonfield JK, et al. Twelve years of SAMtools and BCFtools. Gigascience (2021) 10(2):giab008 link


"A program for annotating and predicting the effects of single nucleotide polymorphisms, SnpEff: SNPs in the genome of Drosophila melanogaster strain w1118; iso-2; iso-3.", Cingolani P, Platts A, Wang le L, Coon M, Nguyen T, Wang L, Land SJ, Lu X, Ruden DM. Fly (Austin). 2012 Apr-Jun;6(2):80-92. PMID: 22728672.


"Using Drosophila melanogaster as a model for genotoxic chemical mutational studies with a new program, SnpSift", Cingolani, P., et. al., Frontiers in Genetics, 3, 2012.

dbNSFP v4

  1. Liu X, Jian X, and Boerwinkle E. 2011. dbNSFP: a lightweight database of human non-synonymous SNPs and their functional predictions. Human Mutation. 32:894-899.
  2. Liu X, Jian X, and Boerwinkle E. 2013. dbNSFP v2.0: A Database of Human Non-synonymous SNVs and Their Functional Predictions and Annotations. Human Mutation. 34:E2393-E2402.
  3. Liu X, Wu C, Li C, and Boerwinkle E. 2016. dbNSFP v3.0: A One-Stop Database of Functional Predictions and Annotations for Human Non-synonymous and Splice Site SNVs. Human Mutation. 37:235-241.
  4. Liu X, Li C, Mou C, Dong Y, and Tu Y. 2020. dbNSFP v4: a comprehensive database of transcript-specific functional predictions and annotations for human nonsynonymous and splice-site SNVs. Genome Medicine. 12:103.