Beacon v2 API

The Beacon v2 API enables us to formulate queries to our data (i.e., it acts as intermediary between the user and the data).

API figure

API Endpoints

Formally, queries are carried out by sending requests to Beacon v2 API endpoints. The API follows OpenAPI v3.0.2 specification for the endpoints, in conjunction with JSON Schema v2020-12 to define the Framework and the Models. The specification uses JSON references ($ref) to reference internal (e.g., definitions) or external concepts/terms (e.g., GA4GH Variation Representation Specification (VRS)).

Beacon v2 API endpoints interactive documentation

Please find interactive documentation from OpenAPI definition here.

The endpoints are:

  • the root (/) and /info that must return information (metadata) about the Beacon service and the organization supporting it.
  • the /service-info endpoint that returns the Beacon metadata in the GA4GH Service Info schema.
  • the /configuration endpoint that returns some configuration aspects and the definition of the entry types (e.g. genomic variants, biosamples, cohorts, individuals and runs) implemented in that specific Beacon server or instance.

  • the /entry_types endpoints that only return the section of the configuration that describes the entry types in that Beacon.

  • the /map endpoint that returns a map (like a web sitemap) of the different endpoints implemented in that Beacon instance.
  • the /filtering_terms endpoint that returns a list of the filtering terms accepted by that Beacon instance.

Most of these endpoints return the configuration files that are in the Beacon configuration folder. From now on we will only pay attention the endpoint entry_types. These entry types (sometimes referred as entities, resources or Beacon v2 Models endpoints) mirror the collections we have stored in MongoDB. Our collections are analyses, biosamples, cohorts, datasets, genomicVariations, individuals and runs.

entry types endpoints interactive documentation

Please find interactive documentation for each entry type definitions below:

API Requests

The requests can be carried out by using GET or POST http methods.

GET requests are usually simpler, and can be performed directed in the browser's URL bar using a query string. POST type requests are a bit more complex (they include JSON objects in the request body) and people resort to tools such as the command-line tool curl.

About cURL

cURL accepts GET and POST methods.
$ curl # GET $ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data @request.json # POST

Security attributes

Before performing any query we need to understand that there exist different types of "beacons" depending on the security attributes. The attributes can be adjusted at the dataset level.


While the original Beacon v1 only provided Boolean (i.e. YES/NO) responses on queries for the existence of specific genomic variants, Beacon v2 is a flexible protocol that supports different granularity levels of the response, such as boolean, count, and record.

Granularity Description
Boolean returns 'true/false' responses
Count adds the total number of positive results found
Record returns details for every document

API Security levels

Beacon v2 uses a 3-tiered access model: public, registered, and controlled access.

Level Description
PUBLIC Any anonymous user can read the data
REGISTERED Only known users can read the data
CONTROLLED Only specifically granted users can read the data

Beacon v2 instances and responses

Our Beacon v2 API is set up as Granularity: Record and Level: PUBLIC.

Beacon response has 5 parts: meta, responseSummary, response->resultSets.results, beaconHandovers. From now own, we will focus on resultSets.results part of the API response.

Example query 1

Query -> GET all documents in endpoint individuals.

Example query 2

Query -> GET document for id HG00096 in endpoint individuals.

Example query 3

We're going to scale-up a bit the complexity on this one. Here we'll introduce the concepts of request parameters and filtering terms (see description here), both used to refine the query.

About request parameters and filtering terms

Due to the fact that Beacon v2 does not enforce to use any particular back-end, at some point we need to map to vocabulary used in Beacon v2 API queries with the data stored in our database. In this regard request parameters function as "aliases" to (complex) objects in the Beacon v2 default schemas. In our case, since we're storing the data in MongoDB exactly in the same way as it is defined in the schemas, the hierarchy is the same. See examples below for the mapping of rquest parameters to the schemas for the collection genomicVariations;

Request Parameter Full Hierarchy
assemblyId _position.assemblyId
referenceName _position.refseqId
start variation.location.interval.start
end variation.location.interval.end
referenceBases variation.referenceBases
alternateBases variation.alternateBases
variantType variation.variantType
variantMinLength None
variantMaxLength None
mateName None
gene molecularAttributes.geneIds
aachange molecularAttributes.aminoacidChanges

Anything that requires its own schema would be a request parameter.

Filtering terms are used to further refine queries. There exists four types of filters Bio-ontology, Custom, Numerical and Alphanumerical. Anything that can be represented by an ontology term would go into the filters section. Filtering terms are specific to each Beacon implementation. You can check here those implemented in the B2RI.

QUERY: I have this mutation p.Met734Val in gene SCN5A, does Beacon XYZ also have this variant?

For the gene, we are going to use OGG ontology OGG:3000006331 and the mutation will be expressed as M734V.


Ontologies are defined at the database level, that is, the user has the freedom to choose which ontology terms describe their data.
We are not enforcing to use any given ontology, as they depend on the domain of study, but we recommend using those defined in Phenopackets. We also provide examples in the documentation for Beacon v2 Models.
For future versions, it is planned to allow for on-the-fly ontology mapping. An example could be SNOMED CT to ICD-10 mapping.

GET + request parameters:


"filters": [
 { "id": "OGG:3000006331",
  "scope": "genomicVariations"
 { "id": "molecularAttributes.aminoacidChanges",
  "operator": "=",
  "value": "M734V",
  "scope": "genomicVariations"

More examples of requests and responses

Please take a look at the API documentation.